Hand Rips Fix for Athletes
For Gymnast, Crossfit Athletes, Climbers, and fitness junkies working out in the gym every day to refine your skills to become the best version of your self, a ripped hand is probably the last thing you want to experience in your day. It will not only make your work out painful and exhausting, but it will also deter the progress of your routine. At the end of the day, the throbbing pain you’ll experience from your ripped hands can compromise your general performance inside and outside the gym. Not to mention the negative implications that ripped hands will have on your overall well-being and your future workouts.
What are hand rips?
Hand rips occur when the top layer of your hand (mostly the palm), tears off to reveal the inner skin, thereby creating a nasty wound in your hands. This is as a result of the friction between your palm and the bar used to lift weights in the gym.
How to treat Hand Rips?
Basically, there are two principal causes for hand rips. One, you have minimal or zero callus build-up in your hand, as a result, your hand is not hard enough to deal with the friction between your palm and the bar. Two is that the callus build-up in your hands is in excess and so there is too much friction between the bar and your palm. This is also cause from the daily use of chalk. Gym chalk pulls all the moisture from your hands. Any of those factors can cause hand rips in the gym. When this happens, follow this treatment procedure:
- Expose the ripped area using soap and water: Wash around the ripped area and ensure that the soapy water does not touch the ripped area itself.
- Remove extra skin from the ripped area: If you notice extra skin in the ripped area, trim it down before applying any treatment to the area.
- Moisturize with GripEEZ balm:This is the most important step in the hand rip treatment procedure. The only way to speed up the healing process is to keep your ripped hands moisturized at all times. GripEEZ moisturizer balm is specifically formulated for Gymnastics and Crossfit hand rips, and it has all the necessary ingredients needed to repair the ripped skin.
- Wait for the new skin to grow: Don’t rush to the gym to continue your work out, when your ripped hand has not completely healed up. Give it some time, for new skin to grow and conceal the ripped area, before you begin your workout again.
How to prevent hand rips
- Use GripEEZ moisturizer nightly: The misconception that chalks reduce your susceptibility to hand rips is a myth. In reality, chalks cause dryness in your palm, making it brittle and frail. After using chalk, use GripEEZ moisturizer balm. GripEEZ will keep your hands moisturized all day long, and protect your hands from nasty cuts and rips. Just a pea size goes a long way.
- Smoothen your callus build-up with grindstone: We’ve said earlier that the callus build-up in your hand can cause or protect you from hand rips. To achieve a balanced callus thickness, rub your palm on a grindstone.
If you want to minimize your exposure to hand rips without compromising your workout routine, keep your hands moisturized with the GripEEZ solution. GripEEZ use 100% natural ingredients. Cruelty free and Made in the USA>